WINTER ROSES are Blooming for Holidays/ Christmas 腊梅花开迎圣诞新年

Almost all flowers are blooming in Spring, Summer, or Fall. Winter Rose is an exception. No matter how cold and big snow was in November and early December this year, Winter roses start to bloom. Old leaves almost all fell. Winter rose buds are all over each branch. Winter rose blooming season begin. 花开春暖, 但腊梅花开寒冬腊月。虽经寒冷11月,现已是冰冷的腊月初,旧叶已落,大大小小的花蕾已满布花树。 一小部份大的花蕾已开花。


You can find Early Winter Rose in new album Med Music Wang & the Lady Singers: Flowers & Love

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