Great Author Jin Yong

CNN 报道中国武侠小说大师金庸去世, 享年94岁 Chinese martial arts novel grandmaster Louis Cha, better known by his pen name Jin Yong, has died at the age of 94. 金庸是一位伟大的作家, 也是一位伟大的思想家。
金庸作品的销量超过Harry Potter. He is said to have sold more books than Harry Potter author J K Rowling.
金庸的弟子遍中国, 海外。 阿里巴巴的马云是最有名的弟子。

读的第一部金庸的作品是“书剑恩仇录”, 那是1980年。书中有一段还记的:香香公主不但在花瓣池水中沐浴,而且常食用鲜花。陈总舵主在兵荒马乱中恰于花瓣池水中遇见沐浴的香香公主。两人爱的轰轰烈烈。

王晋海 Jinhai Wang,1)光碟《Med Music Wang & the Lady Singers: Flowers & Love》《Med Music Gospel》Google Play, Amazon. 2)作者,“圣经的科学引言-生命和世界的大设计” “Scientific Introduction to Bible – Grand Design of Life and World”.

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