Darwin was too old to tell the differences between humans and monkeys


Evolution and Darwin: A Halt of the Seeking of True Origin of Humans

Jinhai Wang*


SJ Med Music Corporation, 420 Bostwick Lane, Gaithersburg, MD 20878



*Corresponding author


Human origin, human history, Darwin, Monkey, cell biology, central dogma

In recent decades human society has advanced in many fronts. However, it is still unclear that how long is the history of human and the origin of human. It has been claimed that human history might be million, even billion years. Based on Bible, private estimate of human history by Christians is around 6000 to 12000 years, which is near the known five thousand years of history of China. No matter it was billion years or 6000 years of history of human, another key thing for human is the origin of human. It is unknown whether man come as one, a group, man and woman the same time, from soil, from soil automatically, or from an extinct little man’s DNA or evoluted from monkey as Darwin stated. This article clearly depicted that human was not from monkey and did not come to this world from soil automatically.

The origin of humans, as well as the origin of all cell based complicated animals and plants, is a key aspect of our world. To understand this issue is of great importance to humans and our society. This article has for the first time thoroughly reexamined this issue based on current best human scientific knowledge and concluded that 1) Darwin’s evolution theory has no any scientific base and is deadly wrong and misleading; 2) There are limitations of Central Dogma and the basic unit of our life, the cells, has zero chance to come to this world automatically; 3) Cells were made from the first place, therefore, humans, other animals, and plants are all made at the first place.


The article found important questions and critical solutions regarding the origin of earth life and opens a new era about human origin and our past.

  1. Darwin theory

Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace were the first to formulate a scientific argument for the theory of evolution by means of natural selection. Evolution by natural selection is a process that is inferred from three facts about populations: 1) more offspring are produced than can possibly survive, 2) traits vary among individuals, leading to different rates of survival and reproduction, and 3) trait differences are heritable

We do have different colors. DARWIN COULD BE REALLY RIGHT ON THAT!

Cold places have white; warm places have yellow; too much sun, got black! Just a thought for tea time!

However, when explain the origins of life with his theory, there are many things need to be considered. One fact is that all those were prior to molecular biology, even cell biology. Just imaging how a virus changing to a cell, a mouse changing to a dog, or a monkey changing to a man.

2.      Darwin and human origin

According to a report on Vikipedia “The possibility of linking humans with earlier apes by descent became clear only after 1859 with the publication of Charles Darwin‘s On the Origin of Species, in which he argued for the idea of the evolution of new species from earlier ones”.

It stated that  Thomas Henry Huxley supported the nature of human evolution by arguing for human evolution from apes by illustrating many of the similarities and differences between humans and apes around that time. However, both reasoning happened even before cell biology and was solely dependent on human eye observations.

  1. Did man evolute from monkey?

It was reported that a big debate happened in 1959 regarding evolution from monkey.  Current thought is that man came from monkey many many years, or millions years ago. Current theory (be taught in text books!) is that monkeys learned to use stones or wood sticks over many years, then stood up and had hands and feet difference, and gained human wisdom over monkeys. Indeed, the homology between man and monkey genes could be up to 95 or 99%. However, the basic fact is that monkey has 48 chromosomes and man has only 46.

Are humans getting smarter by dropping two monkey chromosomes, and how?  One thought is that the early monkey man got a really fine wood stick and picked-out 2 chromsomes from each of his cells. How many cells had he picked? Not many cells died? Find the finest wood stick or needles you can have now and try to pick a chromosome if you can see it. Ask your professor if you need a microscope. Which microscope did the first monkey man use? May be a pair of sunglass. Useful microscopes were first used in 1660 in Europe and micro-organisms were found in 1676, so monkeys at that time may have access of them, but not the first monkey man.Therefore, the first monkey man did not have a chance to have a microscope for his tuff picking job.

 Now talking more about the monkey man, which 2 chromsomes did the first monkey man pick out? If happened the Y chromosome be picked up, then he saved the surgeon to do a transition if he did alive. He must love the beach in Florida, since the process had to take a while for he had billions of cells to pick. Nowadays we do can do micro-injection into cells, but to pick 2 chromosomes? First you need to wait when the DNA in chromosome forms, this is only a small fraction of the cell’s life cycle. So the first monkey man had to wait for each cells to be in their chromosome time. It is better for him to travel between Florida beach and Hawaii beach, otherwise the waiting times would be really boring. He could save some travel time if he was lucky to have a telescope to tell him which cell was in chromosome time, a telescope can see cells and chromosome deep in tissue. Try out your telescope and check what could you see. How could the first monkey man to tell which two chromosomes to pick? If happened he picked the ones controls hand movement in all cells, then he could not pick anymore. It would be worse, if he picked the ones controls eye-sight in all cells, then he could not see anymore. Not mention if he picked the ones that control heart beat or  breath.  And more, if he popped the cells in the brain area that controls movement, then he could not move at once at all. 

Humans can sing much better and singing is good for our health. Are monkeys getting stupid by having two extra non-human chromosomes ? Since monkeys can’t sing well, these two extra monkey chromosomes must interfere singing. Would you like to make a singing monkey? Is there a way for you to do that?


Another way was that the first man-father monkey picked his sperms. He only needed to pick enough sperms. Then he needed to find a female monkey around and waited for her to have eggs. He had to pick the egg as well before fertilization. The first man-father monkey could do in vitro fertilization. He could not just give his picked sperms to the female monkey, otherwise we could have monkeyman. He needed just pick one chromosome from a sperm and one from an egg. Could you please help him? Could you please help him to see what tools or wood sticks he would need? The challenge here is much simple than pick two chromosomes from each cell. You really needed is to pick one chromosome from a sperm and one from an egg to be a man-father monkey. The question was that could you pick chromosome in sperms and eggs? If the picked sperms failed to move, you could not do in vitro fertilization. Could someone go to a Zoo to teach an ape to do this?

Another key thing is that normally DNA is in a not visible phase by microscope. Chromosomes are only visible under a light microscope (after proper staining) when a cell is undergoing mitosis during a sequence of mitosis known as metaphase (when chromosomes align together, attached to the mitotic spindle and prepare to divide. Chromosomes were first found in 1880, so Darwin did not get chance to know it. Sorry to say, Darwin’s evolution is soly based on naked eye observation, he knew nothing about chromosomes, or may not even get a chance to touch a microscope.


  1. The limitation of Central Dogma

The central dogma of molecular biology is an explanation of the flow of genetic information within a biological system. It was first stated by Francis Crick in 1956. It correctly summarized the genetic flow of life. However, there are limitations of this ruling dogma and it could not explain the initiation of cells or life . Here are three basic questions that could not be explained by the Central Dogma:


Here is one puzzle if we believe that human comes from the soil automatically.

Puzzle 1: How to make genome DNA without enzyme?

Human life is cell based. If no cells, there were no humans. The question is how cells were formed at the first place for the first man as well as for the first woman. We all know that based on current biomedical sciences HUMAN DNA is the key of human cells or human life. Human DNA is three billions base-pair long total. According to central dogma, to be able to make long DNA, the system must have DNA template, 4 types of nucleotides, and DNA dependent DNA polymerase. Current technology can make short oligos, but not long ones. The same is true for DNA dependent DNA polymerase. Current technology can make short peptides, but not long proteins, like DNA polymerase.


Therefore, it could not be established based on central dogma that human had come from soil automatically at the beginning of human. In the contrary, it has firmly concluded that human did not come from soil automatically based on Central Dogma and current scientific advancements and limitations. Then where is the answer? One suggestion is to look Bible and  A new book Scientific Introduction to Bible – The Design of Life. There are 7 big puzzles in the new book for you to consider.


Now science has been advanced so much, it was not the time of the beginning of human life, and not the time of Darwin. We not only have cell biology, but ALSO molecular biology. We know precisely the genetic information flow within cells and from  cells to cells. It is a good time to ask your professors, teachers, doctors, pastors whether they can help you to build a cell for you from soil if you do need help. A personal understanding of whether human came from soil directly or made by God from soil is essential to a person’s life and the life of human.

A great time to welcome Pope to Washington!!!

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