Can High Level Expression of SIRT6 Increase the Lifespan of Men? SJ Med Music

It did in male, but not female, mice. SIRT6, a member of Sirtuin deacetylases, increased the lifespan of male mice by 9.9% to 14.5%, or from 800 days to 900 days. Members of this family also increased the lifespan of yeast, nematodes, and flies. Although it is limited, these studies might open the door of increasing lifespan without increase the rate of cancer. a block of past studies of Rb, p53, so on. If Sirtuins indeed can increase the lifespan of men, hopefully men can live as long as women on average one day, so we will have much  more happy senior couples. And more, the transgenic mice were diet-induced obesity resistent with low LDL cholesterol.

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