Archive for the ‘Origin of Life’ Category

”圣经的科学引言 – 生命和世界的宏大构建“ 2017 Edition, by 王晋海医师 is on holiday special

Very limited paperbacks ($28.88) of the book is on holiday special (VISA accepted). The book is partially in Chinese for key points.

Email: or call 240-688-5135(text messages preferred).  $7 for next day delivery. Ground: free in Holiday season till Feb. 18, 2018.

元旦快乐! 喜迎新春!


Sundays – A great time to thank for allowing humans to master/take care of earth for Gods

According to Bible, Gods allow Humans be the masters of the land/earth to take care of themselves,  animals, plants, and sea living beings on earth, and earth for Gods.

Cloudfish Church – A World Wide Future

Cloudfish Church, a royal Godness place, is a world wide future.

Med Music Jinhai Wang, a royal member and cofounder of Cloudfish Church, is a singer, songwriter, author, medical director.  His book ” Scientific Introduction to Bible – the Design of Life” was published in 2013, 2016. His book of “Scientific Introduction to Bible – the Grant design of Life and World” has been published in 2017. He posted that “Monkey to man or man to monkey”, which for the first time stated that man did not come from monkey in 2010. Darwin’s evolution was and is a big joke. Central Dogma could not explain the beginning of life. However, it firmly concluded that the first man or woman was not from soil directly. Therefor, man was made from soil by God as stated in Bible, the book sold the most (more than 6 billion copies).

Music achievements:

Albums: Med Music, Med Music Classical; Med Music World; Med Music – Hits from Broadway; Crocus; Med Music Best Pop; Med Music World 2; Med Music Gospel; Med Music Flowers and Love (Coming soon).

New songs:  My Lovely Valentine; Party at Beach; Cloudbow; Crocus; Song of Grassland; Waterangel Flowers.

Steel Drum piece: Riding on the world Ridge (Coming soon. Copyrighted)

Piano piece:   Fly in Sky (Coming soon)

Signature songs: Cantique de Noel (1840 edition); Nessun Dorma; Younger than Springtime (South Pacific, Lanza edition); O Sole Mio; Have Yourself a merry little Christmas; Dare to ask where is the road; Crocus Gospel. Available on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon.

God said if you believe Jesus, you will have forever life. Med Music Jinhai Wang says if you believe God you may have forever life.


Cicadas back on life in 2017

Cicadas was emerging since yesterday. This year it will be the biggest time for Cicadas since 2000. It is exactly 17 years. We are going to have a lot of music noon, afternoon this year. Wonderful summer with cicadas is here in a couple of days. Here are some great photos from today by Med Music (Jinhai) Wang.

Yellow Music – Med Music ?

White music, Black music, or Yellow music, do they really different?  Yes, Med Music is Yellow music, but consists of mainly White music and Yellow music.  So Med Music is White Yellow Music, or Yellow White Music. Tuesday will be a white snow day, Wed and Thurs will be cold cold days, so try your best to stay at home at nights and, if you like, listen to White Yellow music, or Med Music by Dr. Jinhai Wang. Here are the links

Med Music Gospel at iTunes

Med Music Gospel at Google Play


Winter Rose, blooming in cold winter around New Year and Chinese New Year. What lovely yellow flowers and a lovely bee!

Childhood of Adam and Eva ? Dr.Jinhai Wang

Many have read Bible many many times and some for more than decades. Has anyone seen Adam and Eva in their early childhood? Anyway, no one ever fed them, because there was no such need for both of them. They both could walk and pick up fruits in the garden. Therefore, they certainly did not have early childhood, though we did not no whether they could make baby right at the early time of the garden. A real presidents’ day fun!

Which one first, Eggs or chicken? Certainly chicken first

Dr. Jinhai Wang

It has long be debated whether eggs first, or chicken first internationally. Since as we stated in THE NEW BOOK “Scientific Introduction to Bible – the Grand Design of Life and World” by Dr. Jinhai Wang, all life were designed and created at the first place, so you would not make eggs, then fed them and waited them to grow.  You rather create the chicken, let them lay eggs, THEN grow little baby chicken. Otherwise the creator had to serve as the chicken mother to take care all the baby chicken. Believe or not?

Our world, Earth, was created, a conclusion made by Dr. Jinhai Wang upon scientific and logic reasoning

As Dr. Jinhai Wang discovered and stated in “Scientific Introduction to Bible – the Design of Life”  2013, 2016, human and other life on earth were all created at the beginning. Life on earth and earth are all following the same rule of 7 in many key aspects, that is they are all following the same design. Therefore, earth or world, same as life on earth, was created at beginning. 一如王晋海医师揭示于《圣经的科学引言-生命的设计》2013,2016,世界中人和其他生命皆是被创造的。 地球上的生命和地球共同遵从7律, 既遵从同一设计,故世界如同生命亦为被创造的。

科学与神学  –  六, 生命和世界的大设计统领众多基律的七

Science and Godness – Grand Design of Life and World – 7, A Key Rule or Ruling Role , by Dr. Jinhai Wang

王晋海  February 6nd, 2017

There are a lot of sevens in the world世界有许多基于七的基律 :

Before we have had GPS and compass, people used to get directions from the Big Dipper (北斗七星). The North Star (Polaris北极星) of the Dipper will lead one to the north. There are seven stars in the Dipper.

There are many beautiful flowers blooming in the spring. Red, white, pink, yellow, you name it. Purple is a Royal color for British. Amazingly, there are seven naturally growing different shape and sized purple flowers blooming now in the backyard, a nature purple garden, of a private home.

The rainbows consist of seven colors 七色:

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet

The seven major feelings of humans七情, SOME SAY, are:

Happiness, angry, hopeless, joy, hate,  love, desire.

In music, there are seven notes in a music scale 七律.

The world is divided into seven continents 七大洲.

The measurements of our world are seven dimensional七维空间: up, down, left, right, front, back, and timing.

A week has seven days周有七日.

Bible states that God created our world in seven days神七日创造世界.

Another fact is that our vision, smell, hearing, taste, feeling, neuronal transmission, and cell migration are all governed by GPCRs, G-protein coupled seven transmembrane receptors, the largest protein family of humans.

七是世界的基本之一:说起7 在人生中的重要性, 您一定知道不少。北斗七星, 七仙女,七大洲五大洋, 每周七日。 人有七窍, 您到那人家到那。没有七色,世界将重回黑暗。问问您做生化博士的朋友, 也许他们会告诉您,您身体中最大的一个蛋白家族, g-protein, 有7个跨膜区。 不论您看东西, 品香味都离不开它们。

您曾听过几个七律之音的solo? 二七,三七, 还是?您知道Titanic中震撼世界的My Heart Will Go On有几个七律?医乐王晋海光碟为您尽展音乐时空之广, 再现帕瓦若帝,Lanza,  胡松华, 蒋大伟等之雄风,那优美难忘的音乐中的每一个音符都忘情的飞翔于七律之中,任君随之自由飞翔。

七是人类的基本:Each human has 2 ears, 2 eyes, 2 nose-openings, and one mouth and all are on the  head. Believe it or not, it is exactly a 7.  Each human depends on 7 for living: eating, drinking, breathing, seeing, listening, smelling, tasting, a 7 again. 每人头有两耳, 两眼, 两鼻孔, 嘴一张。 这刚好是一个七。 每人靠七而活: 吃, 喝, 呼吸, 看, 听,嗅,闻。一个不可缺的七。

There are 21 common chromosomes in each human, a 3 x 7. When chromosome 21 was messed up, one got Down Syndrome, one just could not be more stupid. 人的常染色体是21对, 这是3个七。当第21对染色体成3联体,得先天愚症。

The same 7 rule governs the kingdom of all animals: from mouse, rat, fox, cat, rabbit, dog, horse, donkey, cox, monkey, and panda. They, just as human, are all depend on 7 for living.

七亦为动物世界的基本:无论鼠,大鼠, 狐狸, 猫, 兔, 狗,马,鹿, 驴,牛,猴, 熊猫等均依7而生活。

As Dr. Jinhai Wang discovered and stated in “Scientific Introduction to Bible – the Design of Life”  2013, 2016, human and other life on earth were all created at the beginning. Life on earth and earth are all following the same rule of 7 in many aspects, that is following the same design. Therefore, earth or world, same as life on earth, was created at beginning.

一如王晋海医师揭示于《圣经的科学引言-生命的设计》2013,2016,世界中人和其他生命皆是被创造的。 地球上的生命和地球共同遵从7律, 既遵从同一设计,故世界如同生命亦为被创造的。圣经云上帝七日创造世界。现从科学和罗辑推理,本作者首次揭示这一巨大命题: 世界, 如同地球生命,亦是被创造的。故进一步论证了圣经的科学性。

Posted in Gospel, Origin of Life


本书是一些牧师们, 教授们,医师们最喜爱的书之一。 Dr  Jinhai  Wang  王晋海医师于书中七问定断生命非自动来自泥土, 猴变人和进化论乃上世纪烟云。本书是对生物学, 生物化学, 分子生物学, 医学, 及人类及生命起源探索的重大发现和贡献。相信这一发现和论断会被人民,为人民服务和实事求是的各国科技界,政党和政府所坚信。 您一定不能错过。更不能让读大学的亲友错过。

eBook, Book (paperback):, or call: 240-688-5135 for special.

部分自1)7, a role for our world? Super Joy Med Music April 3rd, 2012

2)Med Music 2015年中秋音乐会发于《新世界时报》的文章


Book “Music and Human Health” 2010 and “La La Land” Nominations in Oscar Awards 2017

Music and Human Health” was published in 2010. In the book we (Jin H. Wang, pen name of Jinhai Wang) have had Q & A  on four music related issues in addition to other issues, such as control HIV-1, how to cure cancer, how to reach 100 years birthday. The four music issues are 1) Does music have medical value; 2) Do songs do the same thing? 3) Do all people respond to the same music the same way; 4) How can I find the music best for me.

Book “Scientific Introduction to Bible – the Design of Life” was published in 2013 (New edition in 2016). In the book we concluded 1) Darwin’s evolution was a joke; 2) Human was not automatically coming from soil; 3) introduced Med Music, great and joyful music to everyone. Now Med Music (Jinhai Wang) has had 7 albums released during 2015 and 2016, great music for everyone. They are so great no matter Grammy or not. They may be medal-ed in Music Olympic this year. The holiday album Med Music Gospel on iTunes or on Google Play  is a wonderful one for everyone.

2017 Oscar nominated movie “La La Land”, a music movie, for 14 categories. It is the most nominated music movie. Sound of Music was awarded for 5 in 1965.

Grand Design of Life and World – 7 is a Basic Key Rule, by Dr. Jinhai Wang

科学与神学  –  三, 生命和世界的大设计统领众多基律的七    王晋海医师

Grand Design of Life and World – 7, A Key Rule or Ruling Role , by Dr. Jinhai Wang


There are a lot of sevens in the world世界有许多基于七的基律 :

Before we have had GPS and compass, people used to get directions from the Big Dipper (北斗七星). The North Star (Polaris北极星) of the Dipper will lead one to the north. There are seven stars in the Dipper.

There are many beautiful flowers blooming in the spring. Red, white, pink, yellow, you name it. Purple is a Royal color for British. Amazingly, there are seven naturally growing different shape and sized purple flowers blooming now in the backyard, a nature purple garden, of a private home.

The rainbows consist of seven colors 七色:

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet

The seven major feelings of humans七情, SOME SAY, are:

Happiness, angry, hopeless, joy, hate,  love, desire.

In music, there are seven notes in a music scale 七律.

The world is divided into seven continents 七大洲.

The measurements of our world are seven dimensional七维: up, down, left, right, front, back, and timing.

A week has seven days周有七日.

Bible states that God created our world in seven days神七日创造世界.

Another fact is that our vision, smell, hearing, taste, feeling, neuronal transmission, and cell migration are all governed by GPCRs, G-protein coupled seven transmembrane receptors, the largest protein family of humans.

七是世界的基本之一:说起7 在人生中的重要性, 您一定知道不少。北斗七星, 七仙女,七大洲五大洋, 每周七日。 人有七窍, 您到那人家到那。没有七色,世界将重回黑暗。问问您做生化博士的朋友, 也许他们会告诉您,您身体中最大的一个蛋白家族, g-protein, 有7个跨膜区。 不论您看东西, 品香味都离不开它们。

您曾听过几个七律之音的solo? 二七,三七, 还是?您知道Titanic中震撼世界的My Heart Will Go On有几个七律?医乐王晋海光碟为您尽展音乐时空之广, 再现帕瓦若帝,Lanza,  胡松华, 蒋大伟等之雄风,那优美难忘的音乐中的每一个音符都忘情的飞翔于七律之中,任君随之自由飞翔。

七是人类的基本:Each human has 2 ears, 2 eyes, 2 nose-openings, and one mouth and all are on the  head. Believe it or not, it is exactly a 7.  Each human depends on 7 for living: eating, drinking, breathing, seeing, listening, smelling, tasting, a 7 again. 每人头有两耳, 两眼, 两鼻孔, 嘴一张。 这刚好是一个七。 每人靠七而活: 吃, 喝, 呼吸, 看, 听,嗅,闻。一个不可缺的七。

There are 21 common chromosomes in each human, a 3 x 7. When chromosome 21 was messed up, one got Down Syndrome, one just could not be more stupid. 人的常染色体是21对, 这是3个七。当第21对染色体成3联体,得先天愚症。

The same 7 rule governs the kingdom of all animals: from mouse, rat, fox, cat, rabbit, dog, horse, donkey, cox, monkey, and panda. They, just as human, are all depend on 7 for living.

七亦为动物世界的基本:无论鼠,大鼠, 狐狸, 猫, 兔, 狗,马,鹿, 驴,牛,猴, 熊猫等均依7而生活。



Posted in Gospel, Origin of Life

新书Scientific Introduction to Bible – the Design of Life 是一些牧师们, 教授们,医师们最喜爱的书之一。 Dr  Jinhai  Wang  王晋海医师于书中七问定断生命非自动来自泥土, 猴变人和进化论乃上世纪烟云。本书是对生物学, 生物化学, 分子生物学, 医学, 及人类及生命起源探索的重大发现和贡献。相信这一发现和论断会被人民,为人民服务和实事求是的各国科技界,政党和政府所坚信。 您一定不能错过。更不能让读大学的亲友错过。

eBook, Book (paperback):, or call: 240-688-5135 for special.

部分自1)7, a role for our world? Super Joy Med Music April 3rd, 2012

2)Med Music 2015年中秋音乐会发于《新世界时报》的文章

Lilith Fair
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