Archive for the ‘DPS-Disaster Prevention Strategies’ Category

California and Florida: COVID-19 INFECTIONS DROP A LOT; Away from beaches, away from COVID-19

Dr. Jinhai Wang

CA and FL, have had led the COVID-19 INFECTION IN USA IN RECENT WEEKS,  Aug. 3 new cases droped more than 60% from the peaks (CA from 13000 new cases down to 4500 cases; FL from 15000 new cases down to 5000 cases). Masks, social distance, stay home, away from beaches are all important. States directed beach closures are good.

It seems that COVID-19 is controlable in USA IF BEACHES are controled. China controled, no beach factor. NY controled, no beach factor. USA can control COVID-19 If USA got beaches controled. CA and FL have had display their turning point to go down. They may go back to prior heat wave level soon. Will USA COVID-19 new cases drop to below 10,000 at the end of August, 2020?


At places with more people, or more new COVID-19 INFECTIONS, it is essential to choose good masks. CDC standards of mask testing are important. Double masks at shopping may reduce risks further.

2020 Heat Wave: Cooling Songs

Danny Boy

Yi Jian Mei     Snow fly, snow fly, iced cold and snow,



Five Major Factors of Longevity

Dr. Jinhai Wang

Life span varies. The factors affecting life span has been a major focus. I have had discussed those factors in my book “Scientific Introduction to Bible – the Design of Life” Jinhai Wang and DC Jubsal, 2013.12. Now through a live WeChat with 79Guangdong group Dr. Lushui, Dr. DendLaoZhongYi, China, I added AIR is a major factor as well.

Here is the new list:

1.  Genes

2. Food and drink

3. AIR:  O2, pollution, temperature

4. ACTIVITIES: move, social, music

5. ACCIDENTS:  infectious diseases, war, murders, car accidents

New Yorkers Have Bright Summer by Staying Home, Masks, Social Distance

Dr. Jinhai Wang

Finally New York COVID-19 new cases dropped to 1430 on May 12. New York new cases went to 1008 on March 18. On April15, New York had 11571 new cases that day, made the world famous state on top of COVID-19 INFECTION. After staying home, wearing masks, keeping social distance, New York new cases dropped from 11571 to 1430. As New York Dr. Lei Chen stated that in his clinic, no more new COVID-19 patients. Most patients are coming to test for antibodies and viruses to prepare for reopening. New Yorkers are New Yorkers. New York is New York. My song “April in New York” should be changed to “May in New York”. Summer started on May 5. New Yorkers will have bright summer.

Summer is anti-COVID-19夏天抗新冠病毒

Dr. Jinhai Wang 王晋海M.D.

Current death rate for USA is 71921/1.23M=6%. However, Miami was so hot, and has a low current death rate of 302/11570=2.7%. 全美死亡率6%。 迈阿蜜仅2.7%。

Tropic nations in large have very low rates of infection. Cold places like EU have a lot of infections and deaths.热带国家感染死亡低。冷的欧洲感染死亡高。

It is suggested here that beaches should be open (but keep 2 meters distance) when the weather reach 90F. Swimming pool should be open as well when weather reach 85F. Just open pools, not gyms. 天热后应开放海滩, 游泳池。

Summer against COVID-19 in two fronts: Less infection; low death rate if infected.夏天双项抗新冠:低感染,低死亡率

US covid-19 new cases: Hawaii was 0 one day before summer夏威夷零感染迎夏天

Dr. Jinhai Wang

Summer begins on May 5, 2020. Hawaii COVID-19 new case was zero on May 3, 2020. The COVID-19 Pandemic has ended in Hawaii夏威夷新冠病毒世界大流行结束.


Welcome summer web – concert 2020 Summer迎夏晚会

Tenor Jinhai Wang王晋海 男高音

As Supported from us Remdesivir showed positive anti-COVID-19 results-Gilead news

Finally, Remdesivir, a treatment of choice for COVID-19 INFECTION, had confirmed positive clinical data As we expected in our early post.


Hot Summer Ends COVID-19 Pandemic In Hawaii and Puerto Rico

Dr. Jinhai Wang

US coronavirus new cases dropped to 21000. Very important and interesting to see that Hawaii only had 2 new cases,and Puerto Rico had 11 new cases. Hawaii and Puerto Rico are already in Summer. No longer pandemic of COVID-19 in Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

1918 Pandemic flu ended in summer!

2009 Swine flu ended in summer!


Thanks Dr. Lei Chen, NYC, and Dr. Zhehui Wang, PA for their believe as we believe that COVID-19 will ends in summer.


COVID-19: WORLD CASES 3 Millions with 208000 Deaths, Current Death Rate Near 7%

Nations                           Cases                      Deaths             Current death rate

US                                  993103                      55729                                5.5%

France                           125000                     22800                               18%

Italy                                199000                    26977                                13.5%

UK                                  153000                     21092                               14%

Spain                             220000                    23521                                10%

Belgium                           46687                       7207                               15%

Brazil                               63584                       4300                                 7%

Germany                        158154                       6006                                 4%

Turkey                            112261                       2900                                 2.6%

Russia                              87147                         794                                    1%

Canada                            47356                       2617                                   5.5%

Lilith Fair
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